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US Reel SC1000PRO Baitcasting Reels

US Reel SC1000PRO Baitcasting Reels
Item# SC1000PRO
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Product Description

Introducing a new casting reel that casts farther than other reels, casts and pitches lighter lures ... and does it with fewer backlashes!

For over 50 years the most significant change to a baitcast reel was moving from a round design to a low profile design. There have been a variety of improvements to components but the technology of the reel has remained essentially unchanged — UNTIL NOW! The NEW SuperCaster Baitcast reels offer a radical new approach to the way a baitcast reel works which produces more benefits, more control, easier and farther casting, and all around Higher Performance for everyone.

 Model   Bearings   Gear Ratio   Weight    Line Capacity (lbs./yds.) 
 SC1000PRO    6 BB, 1 RB    7.1:1     8.5 Oz.     12/130 

The Angled Bar Levelwind (ABLe™) (Patent Pending) The heart of the system levels the line on the spool by a rotating angled bar that creates a see-saw effect to guide the line instead of an eyelet. The rolling motion of the bar levels the line but – during the critical casting phase – does not restrict the line like a typical levelwind eyelet.


The sharp angle of the line to the eyelet creates distance-robbing friction and cast control problems – including backlashes.


SuperCaster has no eyelet, so regardless of line position on the spool, the line leaves straight and virtually friction-free!