Mahi Tackle Sportfishing Supplies - Advancing the joy of fishing for each and every individual, one customer at a time.
Saltwater Sportfishing Supplies
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Shimano Saragosa SW A Saltwater Spinning Reels

A thoroughbred workhorse amongst saltwater spinning reels, the new Saragosa SW is a glutton for punishment. Now built with Infinity Drive Technology, the standard is set and the Saragosa simply won’t back down from a challenge.

Shimano Saragosa SW A Spinning Reels
Model No.BearingsBRAIDGear RatioWeight (Oz.)Max DragPrice
SRG5000SWAXG630/2306.2:115.922 (lb)$269.99
SRG6000SWAHG650/2105.7:116.022 (lb)$269.99
SRG8000SWAHG650/2955.6:123.835 (lb)$289.99
SRG10000SWAPG665/2204.9:124.333 (lb)$309.99
SRG14000SWAXG765/3156.2:124.733 (lb)$309.99
SRG18000SWAHG765/4445.7:132.344 (lb)$359.99
SRG20000SWAPG780/4404.4:133.044 (lb)$409.99
SRG25000SWA780/5204.4:133.944 (lb)$409.99